Attorney General's Office Hands Over Tanggerang Sea Fence Case to Bareskrim Polri for Further Investigation | Xweb Media

Attorney General’s Office Hands Over Tanggerang Sea Fence Case to Bareskrim Polri for Further Investigation

Image Credit Ilham Oktafian/Beritasatu – Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) at the Attorney General’s Office Harli Siregar.

Jakarta, – The Attorney General’s Office (Kejagung) has decided to hand over the investigation of the 30.9-kilometer sea fence in the waters of Tangerang to the Criminal Investigation Division (Bareskrim) of the Indonesian National Police (Polri). This decision was made as the case involves similar criminal elements to an ongoing investigation handled by Bareskrim, particularly concerning the alleged forgery of property certificates, including land ownership certificates (SHM) and building use rights certificates (SHGB).

Case Handover for Alleged Forgery of Property Certificates

Harli Siregar, the Head of Legal Information Center at Kejagung, explained that the report received from the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) focused on crimes that align with those currently being investigated by Bareskrim, namely the alleged falsification of property certificates.

Polri’s Focus on Forgery Investigation

“Polri is currently investigating whether there is any forgery involved in this case, so we are prioritizing that aspect first,” said Harli on Monday, February 17, 2025.

Ongoing Supervision by Kejagung

While Kejagung has delegated the handling of the sea fence case in Tangerang to Bareskrim, Harli emphasized that the Attorney General’s Office will continue to supervise the case. Kejagung maintains the authority to intervene if any indications of bribery or graft related to the alleged certificate forgery are found.

Further Investigation into Possible Corruption

“We will ensure whether the forgery occurred due to bribery or if it was purely a case of falsification,” Harli added.

Despite the case being handed over to Bareskrim for further investigation, Harli assured that the case of the sea fence in Tangerang will not automatically be dismissed. The case is still under investigation, and Kejagung will continue to monitor its progress to determine if it could evolve into a corruption-related case.


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